Food safety encompasses actions to ensure that all food is as safe as possible. Food safety policies and actions must cover the entire food supply chain, starting in the environment, through primary production, processing, distribution and preparation to consumption.
These actions include ensuring that adequate food safety systems
Food producers are primarily responsible for ensuring the safety of their products, but food handlers and consumers also have a
role to play. Food safety and quality issues are increasingly under the scrutiny of regulators and consumers. Products that fail to meet their high expectations invariably invoke redress and potentially damage the brand and product perceptions.
Reputations and brands built up over years can be quickly destroyed with devastating results.
Primary producers, processors, retailers and catering establishments all recognize the need for independent monitoring of their products, processes and services.
Throughout the whole food supply chain, we provide efficient support and risk protection through our local food experts on raw, semi-manufactured foodstuff and final products in all principal segments of the food chain:

Product recalls due to unsafe ingredients or materials are making the news with alarming regularity.
Consumers are no longer just aware, they are becoming far more critical about potential hazards and are
demanding that the food they eat is risk free.
From Farm to Fork, WINSOME ’s measures and practices for food quality and safety involve complex analytical
testing, product and hygiene inspection activities and product &process audits. These services assist
companies to deliver food products that constantly meet their high quality standards as well as the increasing complex regulatory standards of health, safety and environmental compliance.
Process Assessments
WINSOME Food & Dairy assessment services throughout the supply chain are primarily Food Safety based and available individually or combined with relevant certification programs. Process assessments covering the production steps relevant to food safety and quality are based on defined second or third-party schemes such as: