Vendor/Source Inspection Services During New Construction

Vendor inspection involves inspection activities performed at manufacturer’s facilities for all types of new equipment like Boilers, Pressure vessels, Valves, Piping, Steel structure etc., including mechanical, electrical, electronic, and instrumentation equipment purchased by clients within the Petrochemical, Oil & Gas, Power, Pharmaceutical and Mining Industries.
Vendor inspection is an integral part of a client’s purchasing activities, whether it is during the procurement phase of a project or during maintenance and upgrade of operational assets.
GULF TEST experienced and competent inspectors can oversee:
We can provide inspection, whether it is a one-day visit or multiple visits on all orders across an entire project. The scope or level of inspection is determined by the client’s requirements which are normally controlled by a Quality Plan or Inspection and Test Plan (ITP). The scope can range from final inspection to an intensive inspection regime starting from the pre-production meeting, through identification and inspection of all raw materials, inspections at all prescribed hold-point stages, witnessing all tests, verification of all documentation and certificates and a final release inspection.
Source inspections are tailored to meet a specific need and may include:
The inspection and testing activities of various items includes but not limited to ASME SECTION I, IV, VIII DIV.1, B31.1, B31.3, API