1.1 Scope of Work
Major Inspection of Overhead Cranes as per the standards to assess the suitability of the Equipment for continued safe operation. The inspection will be conducted in accordance with the manufacturers’ recommendation and inspection standards requirement, to assess the suitability of the Equipment for continued safe operation.
1.2 Local Requirements
Emirates International Accreditation Centre (EIAC)-REF:EIAC-RQ-IB-002, Issue 1, Rev. 2, 19 May 2020
Clause 2.23 Major Inspection
Inspection, that includes visual, functional and proof load test, in accordance with the manufacturers’ recommendation and inspection standards’ requirement, to assess the suitability of the Equipment for continued safe operation when:
1.2Types of Inspection Services
Gulf Test is an exclusive 3rd Party Inspection Body approved by EIAC to carry out Major inspection of Overhead Crane and Mobile Crane. Major inspections should generally be undertaken when the crane, hoist or winch has reached the end of its design life. If the design life is unknown, in most cases, the major inspection of mechanical components should be undertaken after a maximum of 10 years of service, and the major inspection of the structure after no more than 25 years.
we can assist our client in carrying out Major inspection of Cranes, Evaluate the Life cycle calculations, Inspection after major repairs of Cranes, Major inspection prior to purchase of the cranes, Major inspection before start using the second hand and used cranes, Assess the condition of the cranes which are older than 10 and 25 years.
Gulf Test is approved to conduct Initial Installation (It is an Inspection after production for commissioning purpose/ before putting in to operation), In-Service Inspection (Periodic inspection) and Major Inspection (End of Design Life).

Note: Please refer our EIAC Accreditation certificate for detailed scope of Inspections.
1.3 Reference Standards
Relevant BS EN, ISO, DIN, ASME and AS standards