Inspection Of Earth Pits And Lightning Protection System

Lightning is one of nature’s most power and destructive phenomena. Lightning strikes present a real and significant threat – to life, to the structure in which we live and work and to the electronic system which supports us in our daily lives. Protection against the consequences of lightning is now paramount important to our commercial, residential, industrial and public service institution. Lightning Protection system is fundamentally installed to reduce the risk of “loss of human life” and loss of service to public” in accordance with BSEN 62305.
Measurement of Earth Resistance is an important part of the maintenance of any electric installation. The function of a Earthing system is to ensure that all electric equipment are connected to the ground potential. Hence, a well-maintained Earthing system ensures the proper functioning of protection systems and provided safety to operating personnel. The effectiveness of Earthing and lightning protection system may be reduced over a period of time due to physical damage, corrosion, adverse weather conditions or as result of addition or alterations to the building under protection. As such it is industry recommendation that a test and inspection is carried out yearly in order to cover all season over a period of time.